Liceu Domingos Ramos
Uma escola de historias e renome na afirmação da sociedade cabo verdeana
Visita de Pontos Focais
Os pontos focais da CNU, visitaram o LDR com o fito de promover a qualidade
English is a Key
O LDR, comemorou o dia do Inglês sob o lema "English is a Key

English as Key

English is a Germanic Language and has the official or special status in at least 75 countries with a total population of over 2 billion. This day seeks to entertain, inform and increase awareness of the history, culture and achievements of the English Language.
English Language Day was established by the United Nations in 2010 and it is celebrated annually on April 23rd, the birthday of William Shakespeare, and in Cabo Verde it coincides with the Teachers’ day, that’s why, the teachers and students of Liceu Domingos Ramos celebrated it on Saturday, 27th April with many activities.

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